"Brandi" is an adult onset case of DM and first displayed symptoms at age 14 months. Her hair loss has been limited to the bridge of the nose with a couple of tiny areas on the forelegs. She also developed a strip of hair loss on her tail following her first heat cycle. "Brandi" is intact and came into her first heat cycle shortly after joining the TX A&M DM studies. The stress of the heat cycle caused dark hyperpigmentation of the areas and no progress was noted after several weeks of treatment. After increasing her dose of Trental, it was noted that the hyperpigmentation began to lighten as it did in "Khissy's" case. It is also notable that "Brandi" has had a fair amount of hair regrowth. "Brandi" has never had crusty scabs; only hair loss.

In the upper photos it is evident that the areas of hairloss on the bridge of her muzzle were large with little hyperpigmentation. Of particular note is the area under the right eye where the hairloss flows into the larger area at teh corner of the right eye. In the lower photos note the darker color of the skin (and it has lightened some by this photo) and pay particular attention to the photo showing the right eye. The once large area of hairloss that almost flowed down h er face is not broken into two distinct and separate areas of hairloss by the new hari that has grown in.

Please note the naked strip of tail in the upper photo. The new hair growth is strikingly obvious in the lower photo. The fully regrown tail hair is normal in color and blends with the existing coat.

Copyright (c) Shalaine Shetland Sheepdogs. All Rights Reserved.
No pictures may be reproduced without written consent of the owner.
Sheltie clipart by Far Out Kids
Designed and Maintained by Kissin' Bandit Design
