"Khissy" was our first severely affected sheltie in the TX A&M DM studies. Puppy onset was at eight weeks of age after a bout with parvo at three weeks of age. This has left her with a great deal of scarring. The Trental did not grow a large amount of coat back on her face; however, the dark hyperpigmentation lightened after treatment. At no point in time has "Khissy" ever experienced the crusty scabs and sores that many assume are needed to diagnose DM. "Khissy" was treated for six months and was off medication for fourteen months. She has since been restarted on medication and is improving once again. She will probably need to be maintained on medication for life. Although she is not an attractive dog visually, she has a charming personality that wins her many friends. Some people would be unable to live with a dog with "Khissy's" severity of DM affliction while others can deal with it and see past it. Each person must make his or her own choices.

The photo above shows the dark, hyperpigmentation on the bald areas of "Khissy's" face. The conjunctiva (corner of the eye) was often red and inflamed due to allergies. The lower photo shows some hair regrowth and a lightening of the hyperpigmented areas. The conjunctiva are also a more healthy color. It was noted that the Trental also improved Khissy's allergies.

"Khissy's" feet and legs show large areas of hairloss in the photo taken before drug therapy. Also notice that the skin color is a more reddish/purple color.
In the photo after treatment, hair regrowth is quite notable and the skin color is more normal.

Copyright (c) Shalaine Shetland Sheepdogs. All Rights Reserved.
No pictures may be reproduced without written consent of the owner.
Sheltie clipart by Far Out Kids
Designed and Maintained by Kissin' Bandit Design
